New Year, New Start

Thinking bulb man.jpg

"You should blog."

"You need a blog."

"Where can I see your stuff online?"

Err..... up until now, I had nothing, really. Always meant to create my own site, but things didn't quite come together.

Well, ta-daa! Hello 2014 and time for a fresh start. I have several goals this year and getting this off the ground is Numero Uno. I will be posting pretty regularly, so if you like what you see, pop by! When I can figure out to turn on the ability to RSS this thingy, I will. For now, browse for a taste and watch for new stuff real soon and pretty darn often.

I'll be talking a lot about my sketching adventures. It's a great way to discover new places. In fact, I'll be headed out the door in 20 minutes for what's turning out to be a weekly urban sketching session with a group of friends here in Hong Kong! The results will be up later today.... Wish me luck!

Rob Sketcherman

iPad artist and urban sketcher, Rob travels the world to capture scenes on his iPad.